08 सितंबर 2018

B. Ed course में बदलाव की त्यारी, 4 साल का हो सकता है B. Ed Course

The Union government is going to reshuffle B.Ed course again. According to the government's new decision, this course, which has been done from 1 year to 2 years, will now be turned into 4 years. According to the HRD Ministry, preparations are going on to increase this course to 4 years again.
Why this Decision? This decision has been taken to improve the teaching level in the education system, but its aim is to tackle the problem of students from the future of the school's teachers, the Blue Whale Challenge, psychological cyber games and any other threatening games, along with the teaching reform. is also. According to the media reports, four years of BEd courses will be started from next year i.e. 2019. Who will be benifited? If the four-year integrated B.Ed course is applicable then 12th pass students can get the benefit. 12th pass students will be able to study for BEd. Right now, in the two-year BEd course, students can take admission in the same degree who have graduated or are in the final year. It is worth mentioning that a proposal was sent to the MHRD for changes in BEd course by the National Council for Teachers Education (NCTE).

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