12 अक्टूबर 2018

HPPSC Declared final Result of Post code 545

Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission today declared the final result for the recruitment of 05 posts {General(UR)=03, OBC(UR)=01 & SC(UR)=01} of Refrigeration Plant Operator (on Contract basis) (Post Code: 545). The requisition to fill up these posts was received from the Managing Director, HP State Horticulture, Produce Marketing and
Processing Corporation and advertised vide advertisement No. 32-3/2016 dated 18.10.2016.

In response to this advertisement, in all 131 applications were received out of which 12 applications were admitted provisionally for further evaluation process.
The Commission has compiled the result of 05 posts. The candidates bearing the following Roll Numbers have been declared successful:-

Sr.No Roll No Name Total Marks
1 54500006 VANEET THAKUR 60.61
2 54500007 SUNNY KUMAR 58.72
3 54500010 BANISH KUMAR 61.06
4 54500011 RAJESH KUMAR 63.16
(Total candidates= 04)
01 post of OBC(UR) remained vacant due to non availability of suitable

The marks secured by the candidates have also been shown against their roll
numbers. The result is also available on the web page of the HPSSC, Hamirpur

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