Online Recruitment Applications are invited from desirous and eligible
candidates for filling up of various posts in different Departments of Himachal Pradesh
Government through ORA, which shall be available on the Commission’s website
http://www.hppsc.hp.gov.in/hppsc up to 13th March, 2019 till 11:59 P.M. (IST), thereafter
link will be disabled. BY using official website www.hp.gov.in/hppsc.
Detail of post(s) and eligibility conditions are given as under:-
H.P. State Pollution Control Board under the Department of Environment Science and Technology
1. Name of the Post: Assistant
Environmental Engineer, Class-I
(Contract basis)
No. of Posts:-09
(UR=05,SC of H.P.=02,OBC of H.P.=01,ST of
Pay Band and Grade Pay= ` 15,600-39100/-+ `5400/-Grade Pay
Essential Qualifications:-
1 st Class Bachelor’s Degree either in Chemical, Environmental, Civil, Industrial or Mechanical Engineering.
H.P. State Pollution Control Board under the Department of
Environment Science and Technology
1 Name of the Post: Senior
Scientific Officer, Class-I. (Contract Basis)
No. of Posts:- 01(UR)
Pay Band and Grade Pay= ` 15,600-39100/-+` 7600/-Grade Pay
AGE: Between 18 to 45 years.
a) Essential Qualification:-
1 st Class M.Sc. Degree in Environmental Science/Chemistry/Micro-Biology with a Bachelor’s Degree in Basic Sciences from a recognized university/institution as a regular
student(same as entry level i.e. Junior Scientific Assistant/Officer) and ten years working experience in the field of pollution control of reputed institution.
Name of the Post:
Scientific Officer, Class-I.
(Contract Basis)
No. of Posts:-04(UR)
Pay Band and Grade Pay= ` 10,300-34800/-+ `5400/-Grade Pay
Name of the Post:
Assistant Law Officer, Class-II
(Contract basis)
No. of Posts:- 02(General)
Pay Band and Grade Pay= ` 10300-34800/-+` 4200/-Grade Pay
Name of the Post: Junior
Scientific Officer, Class-II
(Contract basis)
No. of Posts:- 09
(UR=06, SC of HP=01,OBC of HP=01 &
UR Ex-SM of HP=01)
Pay Band and Grade Pay= ` 10300-34800/-+ `4200/-Grade Pay
Name of the Post: Assistant
Manager (Legal), Class-II.
(Contract basis)
No. of Posts:-01(UR)
Pay Band and Grade Pay= `10300-34800/-+ `4400/-Grade Pay
Name of the Post: Assistant
Area Manager/Assistant
Procurement Officer, Class-I
(Contract basis)
No. of Posts:-01 (UR)
Pay Band and Grade Pay= ` 10300-34800/-+`5000/-Grade Pay
Name of the Post: Assistant
Engineer (Electrical), Class-I E2
level (Contract basis)
No. of Posts:-46
{Gen=17, SC of HP=07, ST of HP=03, OBC of
HP=05, WFF of HP-01 Gen EX-Servicemen of
HP=09 (05+04 backlog), SC EX-Servicemen of
HP=01, UR OH HH(PD)=02(short fall) & ST
OH HH(PD)=01 (short fall)}.
Pay Band and Grade Pay= ` 16650-39100/-+`5800/-Grade Pay
The detail of fee for respective categories is as under:-
Sr. No. Category Examination Fees
1. General Category
{including General Physically Disabled, i.e. Orthopedically
disabled, Deaf & Dumb, Hearing impaired/ W.F.F. of HP/ Ex-
Servicemen of HP relieved from Defence Services on their
own request before completion of normal tenure, General
wards of Ex-SM of H.P., i.e. Dependent sons, daughters and
wives of Ex-SM of H.P. and candidates of other states
(including reserved category candidates of other states)}
` 400/-
2. S.C. of H.P. /S.T. of H.P. /O.B.C./BPL of H.P.
(including S.C. /S.T. /O.B.C. Ex-Servicemen of H.P. relieved
from Defence Services on their own requests before
completion of normal tenure and SC/ ST/ OBC wards of Ex-
SM of H.P., i.e. Dependent sons, daughters and wives of Ex-
` 100/-
3. Ex-Servicemen of H.P. (Ex-Servicemen, who are relieved
from Defence Services after completion of normal tenure)/
Blind/ Visually Impaired of H.P.
No Fee
How to apply :Online
Last date for applying online :13th March 2019.
Official Notification Download here

Detail of post(s) and eligibility conditions are given as under:-
H.P. State Pollution Control Board under the Department of Environment Science and Technology
1. Name of the Post: Assistant
Environmental Engineer, Class-I
(Contract basis)
No. of Posts:-09
(UR=05,SC of H.P.=02,OBC of H.P.=01,ST of
Pay Band and Grade Pay= ` 15,600-39100/-+ `5400/-Grade Pay
Essential Qualifications:-
1 st Class Bachelor’s Degree either in Chemical, Environmental, Civil, Industrial or Mechanical Engineering.
H.P. State Pollution Control Board under the Department of
Environment Science and Technology
1 Name of the Post: Senior
Scientific Officer, Class-I. (Contract Basis)
No. of Posts:- 01(UR)
Pay Band and Grade Pay= ` 15,600-39100/-+` 7600/-Grade Pay
AGE: Between 18 to 45 years.
a) Essential Qualification:-
1 st Class M.Sc. Degree in Environmental Science/Chemistry/Micro-Biology with a Bachelor’s Degree in Basic Sciences from a recognized university/institution as a regular
student(same as entry level i.e. Junior Scientific Assistant/Officer) and ten years working experience in the field of pollution control of reputed institution.
Name of the Post:
Scientific Officer, Class-I.
(Contract Basis)
No. of Posts:-04(UR)
Pay Band and Grade Pay= ` 10,300-34800/-+ `5400/-Grade Pay
Name of the Post:
Assistant Law Officer, Class-II
(Contract basis)
No. of Posts:- 02(General)
Pay Band and Grade Pay= ` 10300-34800/-+` 4200/-Grade Pay
Name of the Post: Junior
Scientific Officer, Class-II
(Contract basis)
No. of Posts:- 09
(UR=06, SC of HP=01,OBC of HP=01 &
UR Ex-SM of HP=01)
Pay Band and Grade Pay= ` 10300-34800/-+ `4200/-Grade Pay
Name of the Post: Assistant
Manager (Legal), Class-II.
(Contract basis)
No. of Posts:-01(UR)
Pay Band and Grade Pay= `10300-34800/-+ `4400/-Grade Pay
Name of the Post: Assistant
Area Manager/Assistant
Procurement Officer, Class-I
(Contract basis)
No. of Posts:-01 (UR)
Pay Band and Grade Pay= ` 10300-34800/-+`5000/-Grade Pay
Name of the Post: Assistant
Engineer (Electrical), Class-I E2
level (Contract basis)
No. of Posts:-46
{Gen=17, SC of HP=07, ST of HP=03, OBC of
HP=05, WFF of HP-01 Gen EX-Servicemen of
HP=09 (05+04 backlog), SC EX-Servicemen of
HP=01, UR OH HH(PD)=02(short fall) & ST
OH HH(PD)=01 (short fall)}.
Pay Band and Grade Pay= ` 16650-39100/-+`5800/-Grade Pay
The detail of fee for respective categories is as under:-
Sr. No. Category Examination Fees
1. General Category
{including General Physically Disabled, i.e. Orthopedically
disabled, Deaf & Dumb, Hearing impaired/ W.F.F. of HP/ Ex-
Servicemen of HP relieved from Defence Services on their
own request before completion of normal tenure, General
wards of Ex-SM of H.P., i.e. Dependent sons, daughters and
wives of Ex-SM of H.P. and candidates of other states
(including reserved category candidates of other states)}
` 400/-
2. S.C. of H.P. /S.T. of H.P. /O.B.C./BPL of H.P.
(including S.C. /S.T. /O.B.C. Ex-Servicemen of H.P. relieved
from Defence Services on their own requests before
completion of normal tenure and SC/ ST/ OBC wards of Ex-
SM of H.P., i.e. Dependent sons, daughters and wives of Ex-
` 100/-
3. Ex-Servicemen of H.P. (Ex-Servicemen, who are relieved
from Defence Services after completion of normal tenure)/
Blind/ Visually Impaired of H.P.
No Fee
How to apply :Online
Last date for applying online :13th March 2019.
Official Notification Download here
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