Online Recruitment Applications are invited from desirous and eligible candidates for recruitment to District Manager, Class-I (on Contract basis) in Himachal Pradesh Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Development Corporation, Solan under the Department of Social Justice & Empowerment, Himachal Pradesh through OTRS, which shall be available on the Commission’s website up to 11th November, 2019 till 11:59 P.M.

Name of the post:- District Manager,
Class-I (on Contract basis)
No. of posts: 04 posts (General=02,
General Ex-SM=01 & SC=01)
Pay band:- ` 10300-34800/- + ` 5000/- (Grade Pay)
(Contractual emoluments shall be paid to the Contract appointees as applicable)
Age: Between 21 to 45 years.
Essential Qualification:-
Graduate from any recognized University.
Detailed instructions for filling up Online Recruitment Applications are available on the above mentioned website.
a) Desirous/ eligible candidates will have to apply online through official website of the Commission. Applications received through any other mode will not be
accepted and will be rejected straightway.