Online Recruitment Applications (ORA) (by using official website are invited from desirous and eligible candidates for filling up of
posts of Lecturer (School-New) in the Department of Higher Education, Himachal
Pradesh, through OTRS which shall be available on the Commission‟s website up to 22-11-2019 till 11:59 P.M.
Scale of Pay: Rs.10300-34800 + 4200 GP (Contractual amount of Rs. 14,500/- PM).
Essential Qualification(s):
1. Academic Qualifications: Master‟s Degree in the subject concerned from a recognized
University (with minimum of 50% Marks in aggregate) or its equivalent. Candidates
having Master‟s Degree in Public Administration are eligible for Lecturer (School-
New) Political Science.
Lecturer (School -New) Commerce: Commerce with Accountancy/ Financial
Accountancy and income tax as major subject of study. Holder of Degree of MFC
(Master of Finance Control) is also eligible for the post of Lecturer (School -New) in
Commerce subject from a recognized University.
II - Proficiency in teaching Hindi & English
Professional Qualification: Bachelor Education (B.Ed.) as professional qualification
from recognized University / Institution with minimum 50% marks. OR Two year‟s
Integrated M.Sc. Ed. Course or an equivalent course from a recognized University.
Desirable Qualification: Knowledge of customs, manner and dialects of Himachal
Pradesh and suitability for appointment in the peculiar conditions prevailing in the
Age as on 01-01-2019: Between 18 years and 45 years.
GEN Candidates 400
Reserve catagory 100
Exsm NIL
OFFICIAL NOTIFICATION Download here are invited from desirous and eligible candidates for filling up of
posts of Lecturer (School-New) in the Department of Higher Education, Himachal
Pradesh, through OTRS which shall be available on the Commission‟s website up to 22-11-2019 till 11:59 P.M.
Scale of Pay: Rs.10300-34800 + 4200 GP (Contractual amount of Rs. 14,500/- PM).

Essential Qualification(s):
1. Academic Qualifications: Master‟s Degree in the subject concerned from a recognized
University (with minimum of 50% Marks in aggregate) or its equivalent. Candidates
having Master‟s Degree in Public Administration are eligible for Lecturer (School-
New) Political Science.
Lecturer (School -New) Commerce: Commerce with Accountancy/ Financial
Accountancy and income tax as major subject of study. Holder of Degree of MFC
(Master of Finance Control) is also eligible for the post of Lecturer (School -New) in
Commerce subject from a recognized University.
II - Proficiency in teaching Hindi & English
Professional Qualification: Bachelor Education (B.Ed.) as professional qualification
from recognized University / Institution with minimum 50% marks. OR Two year‟s
Integrated M.Sc. Ed. Course or an equivalent course from a recognized University.
Desirable Qualification: Knowledge of customs, manner and dialects of Himachal
Pradesh and suitability for appointment in the peculiar conditions prevailing in the
Age as on 01-01-2019: Between 18 years and 45 years.
GEN Candidates 400
Reserve catagory 100
Exsm NIL