H.P. Staff Selection Commission , Hamirpur today declared the result of Typing Skill Test conducted w.e.f. 18.08.2020 to 21.08.2020 for the recruitment of 93
posts {Gen (UR)-75, OBC (UR)-02, SC(UR)-11 & ST (UR)-05} of Clerk (through 20% quota of
Limited Direct Recruitment) Post Code: 746.
Initially the requisition to fillup 85 posts were received from various
departments of Himachal Pradesh and were advertised vide advertisement No. 35-2/2019
dated 30.08.2019. Later on 08 posts of similar nature received in different spells from
some other departments of Himachal Pradesh were clubbed with the already advertised
posts vide addendum dated 09.12.2019 as per the approval of the Apex Commission.
On the basis of the merit of Written Objective Type Screening Test held on
March, 2020, 466 candidates were called in ratio of 1:10 for Typing Skill Test which
was conducted w.e.f. 18.08.2020 to 21.08.2020. Out of these 466 candidates, 427
candidates appeared in the typing skill test and 33 remained absent. Further out of the 427
candidates, 107 candidates qualified the typing skill test on computer. 06 other candidates
were exempted from the typing skill test based on their disability certificates as per the
provision contained in the R&P Rules and have also been considered for further selection
process. Accordingly 113 candidates (in 1:3 ratio) bearing the following Roll Nos in their
respective categories have been shortlisted for further selection process i.e. evaluation process on
the basis of merit of written objective type screening test:-
746000006 746000015 746000018 746000023 746000027 746000033 746000038 746000053
746000062 746000072 746000074 746000077 746000088 746000089 746000108 746000115
746000123 746000129 746000134 746000151 746000154 746000157 746000166 746000171
746000173 746000181 746000197 746000201 746000203 746000208 746000210 746000212
746000217 746000222 746000225 746000230 746000232 746000235 746000238 746000258
746000273 746000277 746000281 746000291 746000296 746000346 746000351 746000355
746000359 746000365 746000369 746000370 746000397 746000398 746000404 746000414
746000416 746000418 746000421 746000424 746000433 746000434 746000439 746000442
746000443 746000450 746000498 746000502 746000518 746000519 746000521 746000523
746000524 746000530 746000550 746000551 746000570 746000572 746000576 746000577
746000578 746000596 746000657 746000661 746000666 746000694 746000698 746000704
746000707 746000725 746000726 746000730 746000731 746000732 746000733 746000736
746000743 746000768 746000771 746000773 746000777 746000781 746000785 746000788
746000790 746000800 746000808 746000810 746000841 746000849 746000860 746000872
746000882 Total candidates: 113
15 marks evaluation process of the shortlisted candidates will be conducted on 22nd
September, 2020 at 9:30 AM in the premises of the HP Staff Selection Commission, Hamirpur.
They are directed to bring all original Essential Qualification related documents, 15 marks
evaluation related documents, set of self attested copies of all documents, one ID proof and copy
of downloaded application Form. In case a candidate does not appear for evaluation process on the
day fixed for evaluation he/she will not be considered for further selection process and no further
opportunity will be given thereafter.
posts {Gen (UR)-75, OBC (UR)-02, SC(UR)-11 & ST (UR)-05} of Clerk (through 20% quota of
Limited Direct Recruitment) Post Code: 746.
Initially the requisition to fillup 85 posts were received from various
departments of Himachal Pradesh and were advertised vide advertisement No. 35-2/2019
dated 30.08.2019. Later on 08 posts of similar nature received in different spells from
some other departments of Himachal Pradesh were clubbed with the already advertised
posts vide addendum dated 09.12.2019 as per the approval of the Apex Commission.
On the basis of the merit of Written Objective Type Screening Test held on
March, 2020, 466 candidates were called in ratio of 1:10 for Typing Skill Test which
was conducted w.e.f. 18.08.2020 to 21.08.2020. Out of these 466 candidates, 427
candidates appeared in the typing skill test and 33 remained absent. Further out of the 427
candidates, 107 candidates qualified the typing skill test on computer. 06 other candidates
were exempted from the typing skill test based on their disability certificates as per the
provision contained in the R&P Rules and have also been considered for further selection
process. Accordingly 113 candidates (in 1:3 ratio) bearing the following Roll Nos in their
respective categories have been shortlisted for further selection process i.e. evaluation process on
the basis of merit of written objective type screening test:-
746000006 746000015 746000018 746000023 746000027 746000033 746000038 746000053
746000062 746000072 746000074 746000077 746000088 746000089 746000108 746000115
746000123 746000129 746000134 746000151 746000154 746000157 746000166 746000171
746000173 746000181 746000197 746000201 746000203 746000208 746000210 746000212
746000217 746000222 746000225 746000230 746000232 746000235 746000238 746000258
746000273 746000277 746000281 746000291 746000296 746000346 746000351 746000355
746000359 746000365 746000369 746000370 746000397 746000398 746000404 746000414
746000416 746000418 746000421 746000424 746000433 746000434 746000439 746000442
746000443 746000450 746000498 746000502 746000518 746000519 746000521 746000523
746000524 746000530 746000550 746000551 746000570 746000572 746000576 746000577
746000578 746000596 746000657 746000661 746000666 746000694 746000698 746000704
746000707 746000725 746000726 746000730 746000731 746000732 746000733 746000736
746000743 746000768 746000771 746000773 746000777 746000781 746000785 746000788
746000790 746000800 746000808 746000810 746000841 746000849 746000860 746000872
746000882 Total candidates: 113
15 marks evaluation process of the shortlisted candidates will be conducted on 22nd
September, 2020 at 9:30 AM in the premises of the HP Staff Selection Commission, Hamirpur.
They are directed to bring all original Essential Qualification related documents, 15 marks
evaluation related documents, set of self attested copies of all documents, one ID proof and copy
of downloaded application Form. In case a candidate does not appear for evaluation process on the
day fixed for evaluation he/she will not be considered for further selection process and no further
opportunity will be given thereafter.