Interview with original testimonials for preparing select
panels of the following contractual teachers for the academic
year 2021-22 for K.V No. 1 & 2 RCF Hussainpur will be
conducted at K.V. No. 1 RCF Hussainpur for which the date &
time of interview will be intimated through our website on
1. PGTS - Hindi, English, Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Biology,
Computer Science, Commerce, economics.
2. TGTS - Hindi, English, Maths, Science, Social Science,
Sanskrit, Punjabi
4. Sports coach, Computer Instructor, Skill Teacher (Art & Craft
instrumental, vocal music, Dance etc.), Yoga Teacher,
Counsellor, Doctor, Nurse and D.E.O. (Data Entry Operator).
Qualifications and remunerations as per KVS norms.
All the eligible and competent candidates are requested to
download application
website & and